Farm 5 Download

Downloads for MISTRO Farm

MISTRO Farm 5 installation

The MISTRO Farm 5 program and the tutorials that accompany it are available for download.

The tutorials are over 300MB in size, this may take a while to download on slower connections.

Otherwise, a complete installation of MISTRO Farm 5 version is contained in the file MISTROFarm5_Install.EXE. It is 16 MBs in size. After you download the file, double click on the file to commence installation.

Click Mistro Farm 5 to begin downloading.

To download the tutorials please click here

After you download any of the files above, double click on the file to commence installation.

NOTE: Data entered through a demonstration program must be re-entered following registration to ensure the correct allocation of national identifiers. You will have to delete the database used with the demonstration version following registration.

 Old versions

A complete installation of the previous version of MISTRO Farm version is still available and is contained in the file MFarm.EXE. It is 6,950 kbytes in length. After you download the file, double click on the file to commence installation.
Click MFarm.exe to begin downloading.
The complete installation can be used to update an existing program or to install a complete demonstration of the package. The unregistered version of the program is fully operable for a trial period. The demonstration is best with your herd’s records loaded. Contact your herd recording centre to obtain a start-up data disc. Registration numbers can be obtained through Email or through you herd improvement centre.
NOTE: Data entered through a demonstration program must be re-entered following registration to ensure the correct allocation of national identifiers. You will have to delete the database used with the demonstration version following registration.

Update young bulls on MISTRO Farm 4
You can import the NASIS bull file from the ADHIS website directly in to MISTRO Farm 4.

Go to ADHIS website then click on:
1.    Database up the top of the page
2.    NASIS Bull File
3.    Full NASIS File
4., save to C:\MISTRO\
Open My Computer go to C:\MISTRO\ and double click on the file.
Extract the nasis.105 file to C:\MISTRO\
Open MISTRO Farm, on the Utilities menu select ADHIS Import (105)
Open the file C:\MISTRO\nasis.105, this will import all the NASIS bulls
It will say that there are about 16 errors, but these can be ignored.  They are bulls that have had their names reused.

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